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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bad Taste?

Another letter from a reader, and my reply, in reverse order:

From: Holden, Ben - Columbus
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:35
AMTo: ''
Cc: Canepa, Valerie - Columbus; Nix, Dusty - Columbus; Owen, Mike - Columbus; Kendrick-Holmes, Dimon - Columbus

Subject: Wednesday - Sound Off Concern

Ms. Caudell:

Thank you for your thoughful letter, and your diligence in helping us to maintain our standards. I see these two words as "close to the line," but not over it. I know you disagree.

I, like, you, am troubled by the evolution downward in our beloved English language. I am personally a stickler for adherence to standard English and wish our guardians of the language were not so "flexible." That said, my personal dictionary, the 2,000-page American Heritage dictionary, has two full definitions of the word "crap," including several that are not offensive. Our newspaper does not generally ban words unless they are profane on their face, e.g., the "seven dirty words" banned by the FCC. . . I see "freakin'" like the word 'darn' -- that is, a curse-word substitute that has (unfortunately) become an everyday part of the language.

Our young children of course should not use these words, and (I hope this does not offend you) parents have the responsibility to make determinations about what very young children ought to be allowed to read -- and to help them interpret it.

There are many, many words that we won't print. But we take great care when adding to that list. Thank you for reading the newspaper. I am copying our Sound Off editors on this note with the instruction to redouble efforts to use caution when allowing words through that are "close to the line."

Best, Ben

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:06
PMTo: Canepa, Valerie - Columbus; Holden, Ben - Columbus
Subject: Wednesday

Ms Canepa and Mr Holden:

The offensive "substitute" words crap and freakin' were both
used in Sound Off today and, frankly, I'm appalled that a family
newspaper would allow this.

When you see or hear these words, your brain automatically
brings the real terms to your mind.

I asked a number of co-workers at Arnold Middle School and a
few friends from St Mark United Methodist Church if these two
terms are acceptable to them and everyone of them said that
they were not.

We do not want our children who read the newspaper to think
that these terms are acceptable because The Ledger-Enquirer
seems to think they are.

I am asking as a parent and a teacher to please institute a new
rule to your writers and editors that offensive language will no
longer be tolerated.

I choose to believe that one of you will respond. Thank you. I try to set standards for my children. Please help me.

Ronda Caudell

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