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Friday, June 20, 2008

Frequent feedback

I get a lot of correspondence in this job. Some very kind and thoughtful, some less so. Most of it is focused on something we didn't get quite right, or on something somebody wants us to put in the paper.

The string of emails that follows illustrates the kind of feedback I get each day, and one typical response. The lesson here, I hope, is the folks at the newspaper are all very busy and we are trying our best to cover a community of more than 300,000 with less than 50 journalists. But if you come at it the right way, you can frequently get exactly what you want. . . Or as my mama always said: "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Ben Holden
Executive Editor

1 comment:

Corry said...

Dear Mr Vice President,

The movie Australia should be boycotted by all americans... why you ask because evertime an Australian calls an American a"Yank" which is short for "septic tank" as the "Aussie's " say all americans are full of sh#t. I have been here ten years with no way out and I have been abused at the hands of australian police and private citizens and furthermore News broadcasters like the ABC encourage anti american sentiment. Americans shouldn't visit Australia, they shouldn't support Australia Americans should treat Australians with total disregard and leave them in the outback they so fondly love.
If Obama wants to do something for America he should publicly denounce any relations between America and Australia. the amount of anti american sentiment bred by the Australian Government has grown in Australia since Kevin Rudd entered the Prime Ministers role. I shouldn't have to be afraid to say I am American but here in Australia I am. I can not even enter the US Embassy here in Australia without an appointment where have my rights gone as a US citizen my Father faught for America and has been dieing from cancer caused by exposure to DDT in Vietnam, fighting for the freedom of our great nation. So where does an American go to find safety and security in a foriegn country like Australia.

Rev Dr Jonnathon Corry Grimmett