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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The real celebrities

When a celebrity is ill, they get lots of attention, but the real
celebrities are the strength of our community. Here's a note from
Gabriele Azhar about her mother, Charlotte Osterburg.

Dear Mr. Holden:

My mother, Charlotte Osterburg, lived in Columbus from 1957 until we
relocated to Florida in October 2006. Mother was very active in the
community and frequently graced the pages of your paper. She retired as
the Programs Officer of the International Training Detachment at Fort
Benning which involved going into the community to interest people in
sponsoring the foreign officers attending various courses, a job she
loved and excelled at. Mother was the first woman Kiwanian in town and
headed the International Relations Committee. She was a Page One judge
in foreign languages as well as participating in many foreign language
events at Columbus State University. During his tenure, Gov. George
Busbee made her an honorary lieutenant colonel for her efforts in
fostering good foreign relations in Columbus. Mother was also a
Gracious Lady of Georgia.

Most important to Mother was the love felt for this country. We
immigrated from Germany in 1957, and there was no prouder American than

If you would like to have additional information, please contact me.

Thank you for your consideration.

Gabriele (Gaby) Osterburg Azhar

1 comment:

Allison Kennedy said...

Why are Mr. Nix and Mr. Owen the only ones not smiling in their picture? :)